Slash Commands

How to use Slash Commands with Pycord

This guide has been moved to Please visit the new guide instead, since this one might be outdated.

The new guide looks better, has better explanations, and is way better overall.


Simple Slash Command

Simple Example:

import discord
from import Option

bot = discord.Bot()

# Note: If you want you can use commands.Bot instead of discord.Bot
# Use discord.Bot if you don't want prefixed message commands

# With discord.Bot you can use @bot.command as an alias 
# of @bot.slash_command but this is overriden by commands.Bot

@bot.slash_command(guild_ids=[...])  # create a slash command for the supplied guilds
async def hello(ctx):
    """Say hello to the bot"""  # the command description can be supplied as the docstring
    await ctx.send(f"Hello {}!")

    name="hi", description="Wish someone!"
)  # Not passing in guild_ids creates a global slash command (might take an hour to register)
async def global_command(ctx, num: int):  # Takes one integer parameter
    await ctx.send(f"This is a global command, {num}!")

async def joined(
    ctx, member: discord.Member = None
):  # Passing a default value makes the argument optional
    user = member or
    await ctx.send(f"{} joined at {discord.utils.format_dt(user.joined_at)}")
choose = bot.command_group(
    name='choose', description='This is a slash command group!', guild_ids=[...])

async def choose_a_user(ctx,
    user: Option(discord.Member, "Choose a member", required=False), #required is True by default
    await ctx.send(f"You chose {user}!")

async def choose_a_channel(ctx,
    channel: Option(discord.Channel, "Choose a channel"),
    await ctx.send(f"You chose {channel}!")"TOKEN")

You need to have Py-cord version 2.0 Alpha to use Slash Commands

Last updated